News, Views & Downloads
Tactical Marketing in a Challenging Environment
It really does seem as if the business world is a football that has been kicked into another park. All the planning and forecasting is now having to be re-written in the context of a very different operating environment. Activity has speeded up in some areas and ground to a halt in others. But what…
Don’t Neglect Your Core (Not a Fitness Post!)
There is a considerable level of sensitivity about imagery and messaging when it comes to marketing. The result can be a grey gloop of imagery and straplines. The undoubted truth about marketing is what you are offering needs to resonate with the target audience, so if that audience happens to be 18-21 and into drill…
Strategy – Some Simple Thoughts
I’ve sat through and facilitated my fair amount of strategy sessions. A good start point is to have a look at what actually constitutes a strategy. Vague and aspirational statements like ‘growth’ or setting some operational objectives does not constitute strategy, no matter how worthy. I think it’s always worth having a look at Michael…
Influencers Don’t Care About Your Brand | The Digital Doctor
The influencer tsunami has reached worrying heights. Washing away the innocent onlookers in the hunt for a quick quid. You’d be amiss to question the influence of influencers. They’ve literally taken over social media. Flooding Instagram, Facebook and Twitter with “honest” recommendations of the latest slimming shakes, curve caressing clothes and even medical marvels! Yes,…
The Spark | June 2019
Time to use marketing skills to aid recruitment Even where recruitment agencies are being used, they are not always able to deliver people to an organisation. Recruitment is about marketing your firm to quality new hires and articulating reasons as to why they should join you rather than the competition. We help firms build their…
Spring 2019 | News, Views and Awards
Conical wins two major marketing awards in 2019 Conical has been recognised as the Best Marketing Consultancy UK in the Lawyer International Legal 100 Awards, and Marketing Firm of the Year 2019 UK Corporate Vision, at the 2019 Corporate Excellence Awards. Why did we win? Conical has written several authoratative reports on sector specific marketing,…